STMNH Feedback Page
STMNH Satisfaction Survey
Sarah Talbot 2018
Design, Animation, Front-End Web development
I designed this page as a final project for General Assembly’s Front-End Web Development course.
I fully designed and coded this page, and used Javascript and Body Movin to control the character animation.
I intended to create an interaction to a survey which would elicit an emotional response to the user through interaction with a character. Through understanding that emotional response, The Dinosaur would provide direct feedback based on the rating the user chooses in the first question.
I also wanted to create a survey experience that worded questions more specifically based on different responses. My hope is that developing a variety of prompts inspires users to give more constructive and specific feedback in a survey, instead of being intimidated by a blank form. The follow-up question in the second part of the survey changes based on the user’s rating, in order to dig deeper into the specific emotional responses indicated by a low, medium, or high score.